The New Intifada May Be Here

Westerners don’t get it.  

The two attacks by Muslim Terrorists (a.k.a. Islamist Extremists) against the West in the United Kingdom in the past two weeks will probably have minimal effect on the majority of American’s and Europeans.  The major news networks will broadcast a lot of vapid reports, politicians will spew a lot of empty rhetoric, and celebrities will rally around feel good moments like One Love.  With the exception of those present at the attacks, most Westerners will likely go about their lives without much serious thought.

The problem is still out there.  Muslims who follow a strict, literal, and/or extreme interpretation of The Quran will still plot and carry out violent attacks against the West.  In all likelihood, most peaceful Muslims (who make up the majority of the religion) will be content to stand on the sidelines.  This is because they have more loyalty to Islam as a religion than they have loyalty for any nation; regardless of whether they vehemently disagree with a terrorist’s perverted interpretation of their religion.  Many credible studies have proven this.  As for most Westerners; they will be happy enough to ignore the problem of Muslim Terror as long as it continues to be “low-impact” in nature.

Muslim Terrorists launched their most significant attack on the West (thus far) on September 11, 2001.  With the exception of a few minor air travel complications, very little changed for the average Western civilian (unless maybe one has/had a close relative in military service).  Since then, Muslim Terrorists (both foreign and home “grown”) have perpetrated multiple attacks against Westerners from San Bernardino, California to Hamburg, Germany.  Innocent civilians have been run over, stabbed, shot and/or bombed.  Up to this point, a significant number of  Westerners are apparently okay with it; as long as it does not affect them on any large scale.

Westerners will not understand the problem until the storm reaches their door steps and people they know are being injured and/or killed every day.  The Intifada will have to occur on the streets of Los Angeles, London, and Paris before the West begins to take seriously the threat Muslim Terrorists pose to our civilization.  It is imperative then, we start having what Theresa May feebly described as, “embarrassing conversations.”  Well Theresa, I am not embarrassed at all to say this:

“Peaceful and moderate Muslims need to voraciously step up and start being loud in their condemnation of Islamic Terror.  They better start taking significant consideration for preserving, and indeed promoting, the national identity and values of the nation(s) that provide them the many freedoms which allow them to exercise their religion/lifestyle peacefully.  If they do not, and if the terrorists succeed in destroying Western culture, they will find themselves in another version of the same crap-hole country they or their parents left behind.”

Unfortunately, at this point, it may be too late.  Right now, Westerners are too content to accept casualties as long as they occur on a relatively minor scale.  They are too afraid to utter controversial phrases such as, “Muslim Terrorists” and “Islamist Extremists.”  They are happy to limit Military and Law Enforcement abilities to effectively combat crime and terrorism.  They refuse to acknowledge that the lack of assimilation into Western culture by many immigrants is leading to a considerable number of civilians with minimal interest or stake in preserving or protecting Western civilization or national identity.  In fact, too many Westerners feel that challenging multiculturalism in any way is tantamount to Nazism.  No matter what your position, let me pose a hypothetical situation to all Westerners:

Imagine for a second you live in a nation where there is a terrorist attack every day.  You leave your home in the morning and get into your car or hop on the bus, hoping that a car bomb does not go off nearby.  You hesitate to let your children go to the mall for fear they will end up as stabbing victims.  A car backfires and you are tempted to dive to the ground to avoid a potential bomb.  Welcome to the New Intifada; this time it could happen on an international scale.  ISIS is certainly encouraging it.

Since 2015, 13 terrorist attacks have occurred in Europe alone.  All signs point toward the potential for more attacks against the West.  Western leaders have the power and ability to stop, or at least reduce the number of attacks; they’re just choosing not to.  They are willing to accept a few casualties, rather than having any “embarrassing conversations.”  Westerners who want something to be done about it are ignored or shouted down as Xenophobic or Islamophobic.  Any realistic solutions for combating this ideologically-driven terrorism are struck down as “Fascist” or “Racist.”  

Western Civilization is not ready for what could easily start tomorrow.  It has grown complacent and it cannot fathom what is would be to experience The Intifada on an international scale.  With any luck, Westerners will simply learn to live with a level of violence the Israelis have lived with for years.  The leaders of the West have proven either powerless or unwilling to protect their citizens.  Apparently there is very little we are willing to do, or capable of doing, as citizens to hold our leaders accountable for their failure to protect us.

But hey, if it makes you feel better, attend a fundraising concert for victims of Muslim Terror; hold hands, sing Kumbaya and pretend there aren’t still a lot of people out there who want to annihilate your culture and freedoms.  As long as you cry over the victims and spend a few bucks on a good cause, you’ve done your part, right?  As for me, I’m going to be aware of my surroundings and carry a defense weapon wherever legally possible.  We’ll see who survives the New Intifada.


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One thought on “The New Intifada May Be Here”

  1. I find it fascinating people accept these attacks as the “price to live in a free society” and yet one civilian loss in a bombing of a war zone is unjustified and horrific.

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